Tai Chi
Tai Chi
(with Alexander Technique input)
All Welcome
Tai Chi is a pleasant and effective martial art. In learning and practicing it you will gain health and wellbeing benefits. The forms and practices bring improvements to your balance, strength, flexibility, coordination, focus, body awareness, relaxation and self-confidence.
Based on Alexander Technique observation skills and principles, the Tai Chi classes will place strong emphasis on dynamic posture and body direction ensuring you are not reinforcing habits of physical use that mar the quality of your postural alignments, movement and the integration of your whole self.
We will teach Tai Chi and Qi Gong forms that ensure you practically learn and understand Tai Chi notions of single weighting, movement driven from the waist and sustaining a vertical axis. The Tai Chi tradition we follow is that of Cheng Man Ching. You can see him on YouTube; look for the 37 form.
The intention is to make the classes anatomically informative, practical, insightful and friendly. We will build the forms slowly and expect you to practice between classes.
Chris Raff.
Chris has been (and still is) learning and practicing Tai Chi for the last fifteen years. He is also a teacher of the Alexander Technique with 30+years experience.
Chris is indebted to his instructor/mentor Graham Townsend for his instruction, generous sharing of his martial arts knowledge and experience.
This website gives more information about the Alexander Technique via the home button.
Weather policy: In winter if the prediction is 70% rain on the day, a text will be sent cancelling the session. In summer if the temperature is predicted to be 33 at 10am then the session will be cancelled.